Find your perfect trays and cases with these search filters
50x Skinks / Chameleon Skinks / Skink Starpriest / Skink Priest with Feathered Cloak / Bloat Toads
20x Soulblight Gravelords Deathrattle Skeletons or Deadwalker Zombies or Grave Guard (No Standard/ Banner)
4x Dracothian Guard Fulminators/ Dracothian Guard Concussors / Dracothian Guard Desolators / Dracothian Guard Tempestors / Vandus Hammerhand / Lord Celestant on Dracoth or 6x Celestar Ballistas or 24x Aetherwings
30x Slaughter Priests/ Exalted Deathbringer with Spears/ Aspiring Deathbringers/ Skullgrinders/ Skull Takers/ Flesh Hounds of Khorne
15x Slaughter Priests/ Exalted Deathbringer with Spears/ Aspiring Deathbringers/ Skullgrinders/ Skull Takers/ Flesh Hounds of Khorne
1x Nighthaunt Endless Spells set - including the Shyish Reaper, The Vault of Souls and a Mortalis Terminexus
1x Soulblight Gravelords Nagash, Supreme Lord of the Undead. Requires an additional V5T pick&pluck tray in a clamshell arrangement in a KRX or KRD
1x Slyvaneth Alarielle The Everqueen (Requires a V2T in a clamshell arrangement/ 2x Sylvaneth Drycha Hamadreth / Sylvaneth Treelord Ancient / Spirit of Durthu / Sylvaneth Treelord
12x Soulblight Gravelords Deathrattle Skeletons or Deadwalker Zombies (With Standards/ Banner) or / 6x Cairn Wraiths
1x Fane of Slaanesh, 1x Infernal Rapturess and 1x Contorted Epitome/ Fiend of Slaanesh/ Daemon Prince without wings
1x Keeper of Secrets/ Shalaxi Helbane, 1x Contorted Epitome, and 1x Fiend fo Slaanesh/ Daemon Prince without wings
1x Bloodwrack Shrine and 1 Old Avatar of Khaine/ Cauldron of Blood and Bloodwrack Medusa and 1x Melusai Ironscale
1x Everchosen Archaon, 6x Varanguard. (Note: as the total tray depth is 1 1/2 you will need a KRX or KRD card case, or a double, triple or quad aluminium case)
Kruleboyz 1x Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof, 1x Murknob with Belcha-banna, 1x Killaboss, 1x Swampcalla Shaman, 5x Man-skewer Boltboyz/ Gutrippaz
1x Khorne Bloodbound Khorne Lord, 2x Bloodstoker, 1x Khorgorath, 1x Bloodsecrator, 3x Blood Warriors / Bloodreavers
Holds Malign Sorceries 1x Purple Sun of Shyish, 1x Ravenak's Gnashing Jaws and 1x Suffocating Gravetide. Note the Purple Sun of Shyish needs to sit with its face pointing to the right to fit.
Holds Malign Sorceries 2x Umbral Spellportals, 2x Geminids of Uhl-Ghyish, 1x Chronomantic Cogs, 1x Burning Head, 1x Emerald Lifeswarm and 1x Malevolent Vortex
Holds Malign Sorceries 3x Soulsnare Shackles, 1x Prismatic Palisade, 1x Quicksilver Swords, 1x Aethervoid Pendulum
1x Nighthaunt Knight of Shrouds on Steed, 1x Lord Executioner, 4x Grimghast Reapers, 1x Guardian of Souls, 1x Spirit Torment
1x Katakros Mortarch of the Necropolis, 2x Mortisan Soulmason/ Soulreaper/ Boneshaper and 20x Mortrek Guard with Swords
12x Soulblight Gravelords Deathrattle Skeletons or Deadwalker Zombies or Grave Guard (With Standards/ Banner)
6x Flagellants/ Freeguild Greatswords/ Phoenix Guard/ Dreadspears/ Eternal Guard/ Executioners/ Black Guard/ Sorceress/ Battlemages/ Nomad Prince and 10x Anointed/ Battlemage/ Black Ark Corsairs/ Freeguild Troops/ Hammerers/ Ironbreakers/ Runelord/ Shadow Warriors/ Sisters of the Watch/ Rangers/ Warden King/ Gun Crews
1x Gothizarr Harvester and 1x Mortisan Soulmason/ Soulreaper/ Boneshaper, 1x Liege-Kavalos/ Arch-Kavalos Zandtos and 6x Mortrek Guard With Spears/ Swords/ Standards
1x Liege-Kavalos/ Arch-Kavalos Zandtos and 6x Mortrek Guard With Spears/ Swords/ Standards and 6x Immortis Guard/ Necropolis Stalkers
1x Gothizarr Harvester and 1x Mortisan Soulmason/ Soulreaper/ Boneshaper and 6x Immortis Guard/ Necropolis Stalkers
1x Thanqoul and Boneripper/ 1x Plague Claw / Plauge Furnace (On Classic 100mm x 50mm bases)/ 1x Hellpit Abomination and 2x Rat Ogres/ Warplock Jezzails/ Ratling Gun Weapon Teams/ Warp Grinder Weapon teams/ Poison Wind Mortar Teams
12x Night Haunt Grimghast Reapers/ Glaivewraith Stalkers/ Thorns of the Briar Queen/ Myrmourn Banshees
15x Loonboss with Giant Cave Squig/ Fungoid Cave-Shaman Snazzgar Stinkmullett/ Fellwater Troggoths
10x Dreadscythe Harridans/ Grimghast Reapers/ Bladegheist Revenants/ Chainghasts/ Krulghast Cruciator