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£9.49 | Add to BasketWish List SendCancelEmail to a FriendEdit in TraySelector WH40K-SM-LEVB Pre-Filled Case |
D format pick&pluck tray, 70mm deep
(half width tray 255mm x 190mm)
Ideal for 40mm and larger based models. 5 customisable rows, each 40mm wide with pick&pluck blocks and 10mm dividing walls. 10mm dividing walls can be removed or customised to suit larger models.
Game Systems & Armies that use this tray
28mm Scale
28mm Scale Sci FiView SetView the 28mm Scale Sci Fi Tray guide
- 1x 15 Cavalry on 40mm round bases - headgear, raised swords etc (Metal, Plastic or Resin)
28mm Scale HistoricalView SetView the 28mm Scale Historical Tray guide
- 1x 15 Cavalry on 40mm round bases - headgear, raised swords etc (Metal, Plastic or Resin)
28mm Scale FantasyView SetView the 28mm Scale Fantasy Tray guide
- 1x 15 Cavalry on 40mm round bases - headgear, raised swords etc (Metal, Plastic or Resin)
Spartan Games
Armoured Clash
Covenant of AntarcticaView SetView the Covenant of Antarctica Tray guide
- 4-10 building models
Royal & Free AustraliaView SetView the Royal & Free Australia Tray guide
- 4-10 building models
Kingdom of BritanniaView SetView the Kingdom of Britannia Tray guide
- 4-10 building models
Dominion of CanadaView SetView the Dominion of Canada Tray guide
- 4-10 building models
Chinese FederationView SetView the Chinese Federation Tray guide
- 4-10 building models
Kingdom of DenmarkView SetView the Kingdom of Denmark Tray guide
- 4-10 building models
Federated States of AmericaView SetView the Federated States of America Tray guide
- 4-10 building models
Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthView SetView the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Tray guide
- 4-10 building models
Prussian EmpireView SetView the Prussian Empire Tray guide
- 4-10 building models
Indian RajView SetView the Indian Raj Tray guide
- 4-10 building models
Republique of FranceView SetView the Republique of France Tray guide
- 4-10 building models
Russian CoalitionView SetView the Russian Coalition Tray guide
- 4-10 building models
Scandinavian Teutonic OrderView SetView the Scandinavian Teutonic Order Tray guide
- 4-10 building models
Corvus Belli
InfinityView SetView the Infinity Tray guide
- 4-6 largest figures
Warhammer 40,000
Chaos DaemonsView SetView the Chaos Daemons Tray guide
- 15x Fiends of Slaanesh/ The Changeling/ Skulltaker/ 2x Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot/ 10x Screamers of Tzeentch
Chaos Space MarinesView SetView the Chaos Space Marines Tray guide
- 15x Terminators / Kharn the Betrayer/ Warpsmith/ Aspiring Champion or 10x Chaos Spawn/ 10x Chaos Space Marine Bikes on new Bases/ Dishonoured/ Eightbound/ Exalted Eightbound
Aeldari / Eldar / Ynnari / Harlequins / CraftworldsView SetView the Aeldari / Eldar / Ynnari / Harlequins / Craftworlds Tray guide
- 15 Wraithguard/ Wraithblades/ Avatar of Khaine Classic/ Eldrad Ulthuan
Grey KnightsView SetView the Grey Knights Tray guide
- 15x Grey Knight Terminators/ Paladins/ Lord Kaldor Draigo/ Brother Captain Stern/ Grey Knights Brother Captain/ Grey Knights Techmarine/ Grand Master Voldus
OrksView SetView the Orks Tray guide
- 10x Forgeworld Warboss on Bike
Space MarinesView SetView the Space Marines Tray guide
- 15x Inceptors (On Stand)/ Captain in Gravis Armour/ Ancient with Banner/ Terminator/ Librarian in Terminator Armour/ Apothecary Biologis/ Lieutenant in Phobos Armour/ Chaplain in Terminator Armour/ Company Heroes (model with banner takes 2 compartments)/ Asterion Moloc of the Minotaurs/ Gabriel Angelos, Chapter Master of the Blood Ravens/ Lugft Huron, Chapter Master of the Astral Claws
T'au EmpireView SetView the T'au Empire Tray guide
- Tau 1 Tau Devilfish / Hammerhead / Skyray (removable turret), plus 6 XV8 Battlesuits, OR Tau 1 Tau Devilfish / Hammerhead / Skyray (removable turret), plus 3 XV88 Battlesuits, OR Tau 15x XV8 Battlesuits/ Aun'Va Master of the Undying Spirit/ Commander Shadowsun
Primaris Space MarinesView SetView the Primaris Space Marines Tray guide
- 15x Primaris Space Marines Inceptors (On Stand)/ Captain in Gravis Armour/ Ancient with Banner/ Terminator/ Librarian in Terminator Armour/ Apothecary Biologis/ Lieutenant in Phobos Armour/ Chaplain in Terminator Armour/ Company Heroes (model with banner takes 2 compartments)
Death GuardView SetView the Death Guard Tray guide
- 15x Blightlord Terminators / Deathshroud / Typhus / Plague Marine Icon Bearer / Terminator Lord / Terminator Sorcerer / Lord of Contagion
Talons of The EmperorView SetView the Talons of The Emperor Tray guide
- 15x Custodian Guard / Saggitarum Guard
Thousand SonsView SetView the Thousand Sons Tray guide
- 15x Scarab Occult Terminators / Exalted Sorcerer / Sorcerer in Terminator Armour / Ahriman on Foot
Adeptus CustodesView SetView the Adeptus Custodes Tray guide
- 15x Adeptus Custodes Custodian Guard/ Custodian Wardens/ Saggitarum Guard/ Shield Captain/ 10x Allarus Custodians, OR 3x Adeptus Custodes Gyrfalcon Jetbikes (on Stands)
Warhammer Fantasy Battle
Ogre KingdomsView SetView the Ogre Kingdoms Tray guide
- 15 Bulls / Ironguts / Leadbelchers / Yhetee / Maneater / Gorger, OR 8 - 10 Lords / Heros, OR 15 Bulls / Ironguts / Leadbelchers / Yhetee / Maneater / Gorger, OR 8 - 10 Lords / Heros
Orcs and GoblinsView SetView the Orcs and Goblins Tray guide
- Orcs & Goblins Giant (pose dependant)
SkavenView SetView the Skaven Tray guide
- Screaming Bell / Plague Furnace / Doomwheel
Warhammer Specialist Games
Battlefleet GothicView SetView the Battlefleet Gothic Tray guide
- 2 Large Class (Battleships etc) Ships
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Grand Alliance Order: Stormcast EternalsView SetView the Grand Alliance Order: Stormcast Eternals Tray guide
- 15x Lord-Castellan / Lord Veritant / Knight-Vexillor/ Lord Ordinator Vorrus Starstrike, OR Yndrasta, Knight Vexillor, Vindictor with Standard, 3 Praetors, 3 Annihilators
Grand Alliance Order: SeraphonView SetView the Grand Alliance Order: Seraphon Tray guide
- 10x Saurus Knights (without banner)
Grand Alliance Order: Kharadron OverlordsView SetView the Grand Alliance Order: Kharadron Overlords Tray guide
- 15x Kharadron Overlords Endrinriggers/ Gotrekk Gurnisson on 40mm base
Grand Alliance Order: SylvanethView SetView the Grand Alliance Order: Sylvaneth Tray guide
- 15x Sylvaneth Tree Revenants / Spite Revenants
Grand Alliance Order: Daughters of KhaineView SetView the Grand Alliance Order: Daughters of Khaine Tray guide
- 10x Melusai Blood Sisters/ Melusai Blood Stalkers/ Morathi, High Oracle of Khaine
Grand Alliance Chaos: Blades of KhorneView SetView the Grand Alliance Chaos: Blades of Khorne Tray guide
- 15x Wrathmongers/ Skull Reapers/ Skarr Bloodwrath/ Valkia the Bloody/ Bloodsecrator
Grand Alliance Chaos: Disciples of TzeentchView SetView the Grand Alliance Chaos: Disciples of Tzeentch Tray guide
- 15x Changeling/ 10x Screamers of Tzeentch/ Fatemaster/ 2x Burning Chariot of Tzeentch/ Herald of Tzeentch on Burning Chariot/
Grand Alliance Chaos: Slaves to DarknessView SetView the Grand Alliance Chaos: Slaves to Darkness Tray guide
- 10x Chaos Lord On Daemonic Mount/ 10x Old Chaos Knights without Lances
Grand Alliance Order: Idoneth DeepkinView SetView the Grand Alliance Order: Idoneth Deepkin Tray guide
- 5x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (without sails)/ Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (without Sails)
Grand Alliance Destruction: Gloomspite GitzView SetView the Grand Alliance Destruction: Gloomspite Gitz Tray guide
- 15x Fellwater Troggoths
Grand Alliance Chaos: Hedonites of SlaaneshView SetView the Grand Alliance Chaos: Hedonites of Slaanesh Tray guide
- 15x Fiends of Slaanesh/ 10x Hellstriders of Slaanesh/ Slaangor Fiendbloods
Grand Alliance Destruction: Orruk WarclansView SetView the Grand Alliance Destruction: Orruk Warclans Tray guide
- 15x Ironjawz Brutes
Age of Sigmar DominionView SetView the Age of Sigmar Dominion Tray guide
- Dominion 3 Praetors, 3 Annihilators, 1 Knight Arcanum, 1 Lord Imperatant, 1 Knight Vexillor, 1 Swampcalla, 1 Killaboss, 3 Vindictors
Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game
Minas TirithView SetView the Minas Tirith Tray guide
- 15x Knight of Minas Tirith/ Mounted Citadel Guard (Horse)/ Mounted Aragorn, King Elessar (Horse)/ Mounted Gandalf the White (Shadowfax - Horse)/ Mounted Boromir, Captain of the White Tower (Horse)/ Mounted Faramir, Captain of Gondor (Horse)/ Mounted Beregond, Guard of the Citadel (Horse)/ Mounted Hurin the Tall, Warden of the Keys (Horse)/ Mounted Captain of Minas Tirith (Horse)/ Mounted King of Men (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
The FiefdomsView SetView the The Fiefdoms Tray guide
- 15x Mounted Knight of Dol Amroth (Horse)/ Mounted Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth (Horse)/ Mounted Forlong the Fat (Horse)/ Mounted Captain of Dol Amroth (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
RohanView SetView the Rohan Tray guide
- 15x Rider of Rohan/ Mounted Rohan Royal Guard (Horse)/ Mounted Rohan Outrider (Horse)/ Son of Eorl/ Mounted Theoden, King of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Theodred, Heir of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Eomer, Marshal of the Riddermark (Horse)/ Mounted Eowyn, Shield Maiden of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Meriadoc Brandybuck, Knight of the Mark (Pony)/ Dernhelm/ Mounted Erkenbrand, Captain of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Gamling, Captain of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Hama, Captain of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Elfhelm, Captain of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Deorwine, Chief of the King's Knights (Horse)/ Mounted Eorl the Young (Horse)/ Mounted Captain of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Helm Hammerhand (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
RivendellView SetView the Rivendell Tray guide
- 15x Rivendell Knight/ Mounted Gil-Galad, High King of the Elves (Horse)/ Mounted Elrond, Master of Rivendell (Horse)/ Mounted Glorfindel, Lord of the West (Asfaloth - Horse)/ Mounted Arwen Undomiel (Asfaloth - Horse)/ Mounted Elladan (Horse)/ Mounted Elrohir (Horse)/ Mounted Lindir of Rivendell (Horse)/ Mounted High Elf Captain (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
LothlorienView SetView the Lothlorien Tray guide
- 15x Galadhrim Knight/ Mounted Galadhrim Captain (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
FangornView SetView the Fangorn Tray guide
- 5x Treebeard/ Quickbeam/ Beechbone/ Ents
The Misty MountainsView SetView the The Misty Mountains Tray guide
- 3x Great Eagle/ Gwaihir (Stands Detachable)
Radagast's AllianceView SetView the Radagast's Alliance Tray guide
- 3x Great Eagle/ Gwaihir (Stands Detachable)/ 2x Beorn (Bear)/ Mounted Radagast the Brown (Horse) (Beorn the Bear and Mounted Radagast together are the same space as a single eagle)
Garrison of DaleView SetView the Garrison of Dale Tray guide
- 1x Windlance, 10x Warrior of Dale/ Girion, Lord of Dale/ Captain of Dale (Perfect for Tall models including banner bearers)
Army of Lake-townView SetView the Army of Lake-town Tray guide
- 1x Windlance, 1x Mounted Bard the Bowman (Horse), 8x Lake-town Guard/ Bard the Bowman/ The Master of Lake-town/ Alfrid the Councilor/ Braga, Captain of the Guard/ Bain, Son of Bard/ Sigrid/ Tilda/ Lake-town Guard Captain (Perfect for Tall models including banner bearers)
Survivors of Lake-townView SetView the Survivors of Lake-town Tray guide
- 1x Windlance, 2x Mounted Bard the Bowman (Horse)/ Mounted Gandalf the Grey (Horse), 6x Tall Infantry models (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
The EasterlingsView SetView the The Easterlings Tray guide
- 15x Easterling Kataphrakt/ Mounted Khamul the Easterling (Horse)/ Mounted Amdur, Lord of Blades (Horse)/ Mounted Easterling Dragon Knight (Horse)/ Mounted Easterling Captain (Horse)/ Mounted Easterling War Priest (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Variags of KhandView SetView the Variags of Khand Tray guide
- 15x Mounted Khandish Chieftains (Horse)/ Mounted Khandish Kings (Horse)/ Khandish Horsemen
The Serpent HordeView SetView the The Serpent Horde Tray guide
- 15x Haradrim Raider/ Serpent Rider/ Mounted Suladan the Serpent Lord (Horse)/ Mounted The Betrayer (Horse)/ The Golden King of Abrakhan/ Mounted Haradrim King (Horse)/ Mounted Haradrim Chieftain (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Far HaradView SetView the Far Harad Tray guide
- 15x Mahud Raider/ Mounted Mahud King (War Camel)/ Mounted Mahud Tribesmaster (War Camel) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Privateer Press
Warmachine and Hordes
Legion of EverblightView SetView the Legion of Everblight Tray guide
- 10x Afflictor/ Ammok, the Truthbearer/ Warmonger War Chief
KhadorView SetView the Khador Tray guide
- 15x Man-O-War Bombardier Officer/ Orsus Zoktavir, the Butcher Unleashed/ Kommandant Sorscha Kratikoff/ Kommandant Atanas Arconovich/ Standard/ Man-O-War Demoltion Corps/ Man-O-War Shocktrooper/ Man-O-War Bombardiers
TrollbloodsView SetView the Trollbloods Tray guide
- 1x Glacier King
Crucible GuardView SetView the Crucible Guard Tray guide
- 10x Crucible Guard Retaliator/ Liberator/ Vanguard Warjacks
Riot Quest
Riot QuestView SetView the Riot Quest Tray guide
- 10x Riot Quest Widget/ Captain Crawtooth
Wyrd Miniatures
The Other Side
Gibbering HordesView SetView the Gibbering Hordes Tray guide
- 10x Gibbering Hordes Karkinoi
Power Rangers - Heroes of the Grid
Power Rangers - Heroes of the GridView SetView the Power Rangers - Heroes of the Grid Tray guide
- 15x Rita Repulsor/ Super Putties/ Putties/ Putty Patrollers/ Red Ranger/ Blue Ranger/ Yellow Ranger/ Green Ranger/ Black Ranger/ Pink Ranger/ Monsters or 2x Goldra/ Large Monsters
Witchin' Hour
Witchin' HourView SetView the Witchin' Hour Tray guide
- 10x Witches on Broomsticks/ Men on Horseback or 15x Giant Spiders
League of Infamy
League of InfamyView SetView the League of Infamy Tray guide
- 2x Elf Lord on Drakon/ Depth Horror
Knight Models
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
HogwartsView SetView the Hogwarts Tray guide
- 15x Hogwarts Firenze/ Hagrid/ Unicorn/ Albus Dumbledore
Magical CreaturesView SetView the Magical Creatures Tray guide
- 10x Magical Creatures Credence Barebones/ Unicorn/ Dementor/ Troll
Dragon's Forge
Dungeons and Dragons
Dungeons and Dragons MiniaturesView SetView the Dungeons and Dragons Miniatures Tray guide
- D format pick&pluck tray, 70mm deep. Half width tray 255mm x 190mm, ideal for 40mm and larger based models. 5 customisable rows, each 40mm wide with pick&pluck blocks and 10mm dividing walls. 10mm dividing walls can be removed or customised to suit larger models.
Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures
Dungeons and Dragons
Dungeons and Dragons MiniaturesView SetView the Dungeons and Dragons Miniatures Tray guide
- D format pick&pluck tray, 70mm deep. Half width tray 255mm x 190mm, ideal for 40mm and larger based models. 5 customisable rows, each 40mm wide with pick&pluck blocks and 10mm dividing walls. 10mm dividing walls can be removed or customised to suit larger models.
Atomic Mass Games
Star Wars Shatterpoint
All Strike TeamsView SetView the All Strike Teams Tray guide
- 4x General Grievous, Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter, Darth Vader, the Emperor's Servant, Ewok Hunters, Ewok Trappers, Moff Gideon, Wrecker and Omega, B1 Battle Droids, B2 Battle Droids and 2x Tall models (Jet Packs, upright lightsabers etc) on 40mm bases
Fantasy Flight Games
Star Wars Shatterpoint
All Strike TeamsView SetView the All Strike Teams Tray guide
- 4x General Grievous, Darth Vader, Jedi Hunter, Darth Vader, the Emperor's Servant, Ewok Hunters, Ewok Trappers, Moff Gideon, Wrecker and Omega, B1 Battle Droids, B2 Battle Droids and 2x Tall models (Jet Packs, upright lightsabers etc) on 40mm bases
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