D2T |
£11.49 | Add to BasketWish List SendCancelEmail to a FriendEdit in TraySelector WH40K-DE-L Pre-Filled Case |
D format pick&pluck tray, 51mm deep
(full width tray 380mm x 255mm)
Ideal for 40mm and larger based models. 10 customisable rows, each 40mm wide with pick&pluck blocks and 10mm dividing walls. 10mm dividing walls can be removed or customised to suit larger models.
Game Systems & Armies that use this tray
10mm Scale
10mm Scale Sci FiView SetView the 10mm Scale Sci Fi Tray guide
- 2x 10-15 small vehicles (up to 40 x 50 x 55mm) (Metal, Plastic or Resin)
10mm Scale HistoricalView SetView the 10mm Scale Historical Tray guide
- 2x 10-15 small vehicles (up to 40 x 50 x 55mm) (Metal, Plastic or Resin)
10mm Scale FantasyView SetView the 10mm Scale Fantasy Tray guide
- 2x 10-15 small Monsters (up to 40 x 50 x 55mm) (Metal, Plastic or Resin)
15mm Scale
15mm Scale Sci FiView SetView the 15mm Scale Sci Fi Tray guide
- 2x 10-15 small vehicles (up to 40 x 50 x 55mm) (Metal, Plastic or Resin)
15mm Scale HistoricalView SetView the 15mm Scale Historical Tray guide
- 2x 10-15 small vehicles (up to 40 x 50 x 55mm) (Metal, Plastic or Resin)
15mm Scale FantasyView SetView the 15mm Scale Fantasy Tray guide
- 2x 10-15 small Monsters (up to 40 x 50 x 55mm) (Metal, Plastic or Resin)
20mm Scale
20mm Scale Sci FiView SetView the 20mm Scale Sci Fi Tray guide
- 2x 15 Cavalry on 40mm round or square bases - headgear, raised swords etc (Metal, Plastic or Resin)
20mm Scale HistoricalView SetView the 20mm Scale Historical Tray guide
- 2x 15 Cavalry on 40mm round or square bases - headgear, raised swords etc (Metal, Plastic or Resin)
20mm Scale FantasyView SetView the 20mm Scale Fantasy Tray guide
- 2x 15 Cavalry on 40mm round bases - headgear, raised swords etc (Metal, Plastic or Resin) or 2x 15 Cavalry on 40mm round or square bases (Metal, Plastic or Resin)
28mm Scale
28mm Scale Sci FiView SetView the 28mm Scale Sci Fi Tray guide
- 2x 15 Cavalry on 40mm round or square bases (Metal, Plastic or Resin)
28mm Scale HistoricalView SetView the 28mm Scale Historical Tray guide
- 2x 15 Cavalry on 40mm round or square bases (Metal, Plastic or Resin)
28mm Scale FantasyView SetView the 28mm Scale Fantasy Tray guide
- 2x 15 Cavalry on 40mm round or square bases (Metal, Plastic or Resin)
_6mm Scale
6mm Scale Sci FiView SetView the 6mm Scale Sci Fi Tray guide
- 2x 10-15 small vehicles (up to 40 x 50 x 55mm) (Metal, Plastic or Resin)
6mm Scale HistoricalView SetView the 6mm Scale Historical Tray guide
- 2x 10-15 small vehicles (up to 40 x 50 x 55mm) (Metal, Plastic or Resin)
6mm Scale FantasyView SetView the 6mm Scale Fantasy Tray guide
- 2x 10-15 small Monsters (up to 40 x 50 x 55mm) (Metal, Plastic or Resin)
The Horus Heresy
Legiones AstartesView SetView the Legiones Astartes Tray guide
- 30 Terminators/ Gorgon Terminators/ Sehkmet Terminator Cabal/ Firedrakes/ Grave Wardens/ Phoenix Terminators/ Red Butchers/ Justaerin/ Deathshroud/ Gal Vorbak/ Tyrant Siege Terminators/ Varagyr Terminators/ Lernaean Terminators/ Terminator Praetor/ Cataphractii Praetor/ Chaplain Consul/ Zardu Layak/ Blade Slaves/ Veterans
Warhammer 40,000
Blood AngelsView SetView the Blood Angels Tray guide
- 30 Terminators/ Primaris Lieutenant Tolmeron/ 20 Space Marine Bikes on new Bases
Dark AngelsView SetView the Dark Angels Tray guide
- 30 Terminators/ Deathwing Knights/ Deathwing Command Terminators/ Belial/ Primaris Lieutenant Zakariah
Dark EldarView SetView the Dark Eldar Tray guide
- 30x Khymerae/ Beastmaster/ Razorwing Flock/ Sslyth/ Clawed Fiend/ Grotesques/ Drazhar or 20 Jetbikes / Hellion
NecronsView SetView the Necrons Tray guide
- 20 Lokhust Destroyer/ Lokhust Heavy Destroyer (old)/ Lokhust Destroyer Lord/ Illuminor Szeras (Old 40mm model)/ Nemesor Zahndrekh/ Overlord/ Cryptek/ Old Style Wraith/ Old Style Tomb Spider, or any combination of them
Space MarinesView SetView the Space Marines Tray guide
- 30x Aggressors/ Captain/ Librarian/ Chaplain/ Apothecary/ Eliminators/ Classic Terminators/ Tartaros Terminators/ Cataphractii Terminators/ Cataphractii Praetor/ Tyberos The Red Wake/ Invanus Enkomi of the Minotaurs or 20 Classic Bikes on oval bases, or 14x Inceptors (Off Stand and Solo Stands; Separate Compartments)
Space WolvesView SetView the Space Wolves Tray guide
- 30 Terminators / Fenrisian Wolves
Primaris Space MarinesView SetView the Primaris Space Marines Tray guide
- 30x Primaris Space Marines Aggressors /Captain /Librarian /Chaplain /Apothecary /Eliminators, or 14x Inceptors (Off Stand and Solo Stands; Separate Compartments)
DrukhariView SetView the Drukhari Tray guide
- 30x Khymerae/ Beastmaster/ Razorwing Flock/ Sslyth/ Clawed Fiend/ Grotesques/ Drazhar or 20 Jetbikes / Hellion
Warhammer Fantasy Battle
BeastmenView SetView the Beastmen Tray guide
- 20 Doombull / Doombull classic / Minotaurs / Morghur / Chaos Spawn
Ogre KingdomsView SetView the Ogre Kingdoms Tray guide
- 20 Bulls / Ironguts Leadbelchers / Yhetee / Maneater / Gorger, OR 20 Bulls / Ironguts Leadbelchers / Yhetee / Maneater / Gorger
Warhammer Lord of the Rings
The HobbitView SetView the The Hobbit Tray guide
- 30x Mounted figures (note that tall cavalry with spears, pikes, banners or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Kingdoms of MenView SetView the Kingdoms of Men Tray guide
- 30x Mounted figures (note that tall cavalry with spears, pikes, banners or raised swords require 2 compartments)
The Free PeoplesView SetView the The Free Peoples Tray guide
- 30x Mounted figures (note that tall cavalry with spears, pikes, banners or raised swords require 2 compartments)
The Fallen RealmsView SetView the The Fallen Realms Tray guide
- 30x Mounted figures (note that tall cavalry with spears, pikes, banners or raised swords require 2 compartments)
MordorView SetView the Mordor Tray guide
- 30x Mounted figures (note that tall cavalry with spears, pikes, banners or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Moria & AngmarView SetView the Moria & Angmar Tray guide
- 30x Mounted figures (note that tall cavalry with spears, pikes, banners or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Grand Alliance Order: Stormcast EternalsView SetView the Grand Alliance Order: Stormcast Eternals Tray guide
- 30x Liberators / Judicators / Vanguard Hunters / Paladin Decimators / Paladin Retributors / Protectors / Lord Celestant / Knight Questor / Knight Heraldor / Vanguard Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows / Gryph Hounds / Castigators / Sequitors or 10x Vanguard Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows / Sequitors with Stormsmite Mauls
Grand Alliance Chaos: Blades of KhorneView SetView the Grand Alliance Chaos: Blades of Khorne Tray guide
- 30x Slaughter Priests/ Exalted Deathbringer with Spears/ Aspiring Deathbringers/ Skullgrinders/ Skull Takers/ Flesh Hounds of Khorne
Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game
The Iron HillsView SetView the The Iron Hills Tray guide
- 30x Iron Hills Goat Rider/ Mounted Iron Hills Captain (War Goat)/ Mounted Dain Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills (War Boar) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Erebor ReclaimedView SetView the Erebor Reclaimed Tray guide
- 30x Iron Hills Goat Rider/ Mounted Thorin, King Under the Mountain (War Goat)/ Mounted Kili, Champion of Erebor (War Goat)/ Mounted Fili, Champion of Erebor (War Goat)/ Mounted Dwalin, Champion of Erebor (War Goat)/ Mounted Iron Hills Captain (War Goat)/ Mounted Dain Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills (War Boar) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Barad-durView SetView the Barad-dur Tray guide
- 30x Warg Rider/ Morgul Knight/ Mounted Orc Captain (Warg)/ Mounted Orc Shaman (Warg)/ Mounted Black Numenorean Marshall (Horse)/ Mounted The Witch-king of Angmar (Horse)/ Mounted Ringwraith (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
AngmarView SetView the Angmar Tray guide
- 30x Angmar Warg Rider/ Wild Warg/ Mounted The Witch-king of Angmar (Horse)/ Mounted The Tainted (Horse)/ Mounted The Dwimmerlaik (Horse)/ Mounted Angmar Orc Captain (Warg)/ Mounted Angmar Orc Shaman (Warg)/ Mounted Golfimbul, Orc Chieftain (Warg)/ Wild Warg Chieftain (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
MordorView SetView the Mordor Tray guide
- 30x Warg Rider/ Morgul Knight/ Mounted The Witch-king of Angmar (Horse)/ Mounted Khamul the Easterling (Horse)/ Mounted The Dark Marshall (Horse)/ Mounted The Undying (Horse)/ Mounted The Shadow Lord (Horse)/ Mounted The Tainted (Horse)/ Mounted The Knight of Umbar (Horse)/ Mounted The Betrayer (Horse)/ Mounted The Dwimmerlaik (Horse)/ Mounted Ringwraith (Horse)/ Mounted The Mouth of Sauron (Horse)/ Mounted Gothmog, Lieutenant of Sauron (Warg)/ Mounted Orc Captain (Warg)/ Mounted Orc Shaman (Warg)/ Mounted Black Numenorean Marshall (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
IsengardView SetView the Isengard Tray guide
- 30x Warg Rider/ Dunlending Horseman/ Crebain/ Mounted Saruman (Horse)/ Mounted Grima Wormtongue (Horse)/ Mounted Sharku (Warg)/ Mounted Thrydan Wolfsbane (Horse)/ Mounted Orc Captain (Warg) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Dark Denizens of MirkwoodView SetView the Dark Denizens of Mirkwood Tray guide
- 1x Spider Queen, 4x Bat Swarm, 21x Fell Wargs/ 30x Fell Wargs
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