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15x 40mm based models up to 75mm tall
Game Systems & Armies that use this tray
The Horus Heresy
Legiones AstartesView SetView the Legiones Astartes Tray guide
- 15x Terminators (dynamic poses) / 15x Terminators from Betrayal at Calth / Steloc Aethon/ Gorgon Terminators/ Sehkmet Terminator Cabal/ Firedrakes/ Grave Wardens/ Phoenix Terminators/ Red Butchers/ Justaerin/ Deathshroud/ Gal Vorbak/ Tyrant Siege Terminators/ Varagyr Terminators/ Lernaean Terminators/ Terminator Praetor/ Cataphractii Praetor/ Ashen Circle/ Zardu Layak/ Blade Slaves/ Dominion Zephon (tall models with raised swords etc take two compartments)
Warhammer 40,000
Blood AngelsView SetView the Blood Angels Tray guide
- 15 Terminators (tall)
Chaos DaemonsView SetView the Chaos Daemons Tray guide
- 15x Fiends of Slaanesh/ The Changeling/ Skulltaker
Chaos Space MarinesView SetView the Chaos Space Marines Tray guide
- 15x Chaos Terminators/ Terminator Lords/ Sorcerers in Terminator Armour/ Greater Possessed/ Master of Possession/ Dishonoured/ Eightbound/ Exalted Eightbound
Dark AngelsView SetView the Dark Angels Tray guide
- 15 terminators (tall)
Aeldari / Eldar / Ynnari / Harlequins / CraftworldsView SetView the Aeldari / Eldar / Ynnari / Harlequins / Craftworlds Tray guide
- 15x The Avatar of Khaine or 15x WraithBlade or 15x Wraithguard (New Style)
Primaris Space MarinesView SetView the Primaris Space Marines Tray guide
- 15x Primaris Inceptors (On Stand) / Primaris Chaplain / Primaris Apothecary/ Primaris Captain in Gravis Armour/ Primaris Ancient with Banner/ Primaris Tigurius/ Kavyaan Shrike/ Feirros/ Tor Garadon/ Adrax Agatone/ Judiciar/ Eradicators/ Bladeguard Veterans/ Heavy Intercessors/ Terminator/ Librarian in Terminator Armour/ Apothecary Biologis/ Lieutenant in Phobos Armour/ Chaplain in Terminator Armour/ Company Heroes (model with banner takes 2 compartments)
Death GuardView SetView the Death Guard Tray guide
- 15x Blightlord Terminators / Deathshroud / Typhus / Plague Marine Icon Bearer / Terminator Lord / Terminator Sorcerer
Genestealer CultsView SetView the Genestealer Cults Tray guide
- 15x Hybrid Acolytes / Hybrid Metamorphs / Acolyte Iconward / Genestealer Patriarch (on 40mm bases)
Talons of The EmperorView SetView the Talons of The Emperor Tray guide
- 15x Custodian Guard / Saggitarum Guard / Aquilon Terminators
Grey KnightsView SetView the Grey Knights Tray guide
- 15 Terminators (tall)
Thousand SonsView SetView the Thousand Sons Tray guide
- 15x Scarab Occult Terminators / Exalted Sorcerer / Sorcerer in Terminator Armour / Ahriman on Foot
Adeptus CustodesView SetView the Adeptus Custodes Tray guide
- 15x Adeptus Custodes Custodian Guard/ Custodian Wardens/ Saggitarum Guard/ Allarus Custodians/ Shield Captain/ Shield Captain in Allarus Terminator Armour
Imperium MagazineView SetView the Imperium Magazine Tray guide
- 15x Space Marine Marneus Calgar/ Victric Honour Guard/ Primaris Librarian in Phobos Armour/ Lieutenant in Phobos Armour/ Primaris Lieutenant/ Aggressors
Space MarinesView SetView the Space Marines Tray guide
- 15x Inceptors (On Stand)/ Chaplain/ Apothecary/ Captain in Gravis Armour/ Ancient with Banner/ Tigurius/ Kavyaan Shrike/ Feirros/ Tor Garadon/ Adrax Agatone/ Judiciar/ Eradicators/ Bladeguard Veterans/ Heavy Intercessors/ Terminators/ Librarian in Terminator Armour/ Apothecary Biologis/ Lieutenant in Phobos Armour/ Chaplain in Terminator Armour/ Company Heroes (model with banner takes 2 compartments)
Space WolvesView SetView the Space Wolves Tray guide
- 15x Terminators (tall poses)
Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game
RohanView SetView the Rohan Tray guide
- 15x Rider of Rohan/ Mounted Rohan Royal Guard (Horse)/ Mounted Rohan Outrider (Horse)/ Son of Eorl/ Mounted Theoden, King of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Theodred, Heir of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Eomer, Marshal of the Riddermark (Horse)/ Mounted Eowyn, Shield Maiden of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Meriadoc Brandybuck, Knight of the Mark (Pony)/ Dernhelm/ Mounted Erkenbrand, Captain of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Gamling, Captain of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Hama, Captain of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Elfhelm, Captain of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Deorwine, Chief of the King's Knights (Horse)/ Mounted Eorl the Young (Horse)/ Mounted Captain of Rohan (Horse)/ Mounted Helm Hammerhand (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
The EasterlingsView SetView the The Easterlings Tray guide
- 15x Easterling Kataphrakt/ Mounted Khamul the Easterling (Horse)/ Mounted Amdur, Lord of Blades (Horse)/ Mounted Easterling Dragon Knight (Horse)/ Mounted Easterling Captain (Horse)/ Mounted Easterling War Priest (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
The Serpent HordeView SetView the The Serpent Horde Tray guide
- 15x Haradrim Raider/ Serpent Rider/ Mounted Suladan the Serpent Lord (Horse)/ Mounted The Betrayer (Horse)/ The Golden King of Abrakhan/ Mounted Haradrim King (Horse)/ Mounted Haradrim Chieftain (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Far HaradView SetView the Far Harad Tray guide
- 15x Mahud Raider/ Mounted Mahud King (War Camel)/ Mounted Mahud Tribesmaster (War Camel) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Minas TirithView SetView the Minas Tirith Tray guide
- 15x Knight of Minas Tirith/ Mounted Citadel Guard (Horse)/ Mounted Aragorn, King Elessar (Horse)/ Mounted Gandalf the White (Shadowfax - Horse)/ Mounted Boromir, Captain of the White Tower (Horse)/ Mounted Faramir, Captain of Gondor (Horse)/ Mounted Beregond, Guard of the Citadel (Horse)/ Mounted Hurin the Tall, Warden of the Keys (Horse)/ Mounted Captain of Minas Tirith (Horse)/ Mounted King of Men (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
The FiefdomsView SetView the The Fiefdoms Tray guide
- 15x Mounted Knight of Dol Amroth (Horse)/ Mounted Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth (Horse)/ Mounted Forlong the Fat (Horse)/ Mounted Captain of Dol Amroth (Horse) (note that tall cavalry with banners, spears, staffs or raised swords require 2 compartments)
Warhammer Age of Sigmar
Grand Alliance Destruction: Ogor MawtribesView SetView the Grand Alliance Destruction: Ogor Mawtribes Tray guide
- 15x Ogors/ Gorgers/ Leadbelchers/ Ironguts/ Tyrants/ Butchers/ Maneaters Tall Weapons)
Grand Alliance Destruction: KruleboyzView SetView the Grand Alliance Destruction: Kruleboyz Tray guide
- 15x Killaboss/ Swampcalla Shaman/ Murknob
Grand Alliance Order: SylvanethView SetView the Grand Alliance Order: Sylvaneth Tray guide
- 15x Sylvaneth Tree Revenants / Spite Revenants
Grand Alliance Chaos: Blades of KhorneView SetView the Grand Alliance Chaos: Blades of Khorne Tray guide
- 15x Wrathmongers/ Skull Reapers/ Skarr Bloodwrath/ Valkia the Bloody/ Bloodsecrator
Grand Alliance Chaos: Disciples of TzeentchView SetView the Grand Alliance Chaos: Disciples of Tzeentch Tray guide
- 15x Fatemaster/ Screamers of Tzeentch/ Gaunt Summoner/ Flamers of Tzeentch/ The Changeling
Grand Alliance Chaos: Maggotkin of NurgleView SetView the Grand Alliance Chaos: Maggotkin of Nurgle Tray guide
- 15x Putrid Blightkings/ Gutrot Spume/ Festus the Leechlord/ Lord of Plagues/ Rotbringer Sorcerer
Grand Alliance Destruction: Gloomspite GitzView SetView the Grand Alliance Destruction: Gloomspite Gitz Tray guide
- 15x Loonboss with Giant Cave Squig/ Fungoid Cave-Shaman Snazzgar Stinkmullett/ Fellwater Troggoths
Grand Alliance Destruction: Orruk WarclansView SetView the Grand Alliance Destruction: Orruk Warclans Tray guide
- 15x Ironjawz Brutes
Grand Alliance Order: Stormcast EternalsView SetView the Grand Alliance Order: Stormcast Eternals Tray guide
- 15x Lord-Castellan / Lord Veritant / Knight-Vexillor/ Lord Ordinator Vorrus Starstrike/ Liberators / Judicators / Vanguard Hunters / Paladin Decimators / Paladin Retributors / Protectors / Lord Celestant / Knight Questor / Knight Heraldor / Vanguard Raptors with Hurricane Crossbows / Gryph Hounds / Castigators / Sequitors
Grand Alliance Order: Kharadron OverlordsView SetView the Grand Alliance Order: Kharadron Overlords Tray guide
- 15x Kharadron Overlords Endrinriggers/ Gotrekk Gurnisson on 40mm base
Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry
Warcry - Kharadron OverlordsView SetView the Warcry - Kharadron Overlords Tray guide
- 3x Skywarden/Endrinriggers, 5x Grundstok Thunderers
Warcry - Thunderstrike StormcastView SetView the Warcry - Thunderstrike Stormcast Tray guide
- 5x Vindictors and 3x Annihilators
Knight Models
Harry Potter Miniatures Adventure Game
HogwartsView SetView the Hogwarts Tray guide
- 15x Hogwarts Firenze/ Hagrid/ Unicorn/ Albus Dumbledore
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