
Figure Cases and Trays for Tabletop Gaming

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N3S Pre-Filled Case

40 compartments 50mm x 25mm, 32mm deep
Full width tray 380mm x 255mm, ideal for troops on 20-25mm bases with dynamic poses

40 compartments (1/3 depth, full width tray)

Game Systems & Armies that use this tray

  • The Horus Heresy
  • Warhammer 40,000
    • Astra MilitarumView SetView the Astra Militarum Tray guide
      • 40 Infantry (50mm tall)/ Colour Sergeant Kell/ Officio Prefectus Commissar/ Ratlings/ Castellan Creed/ Yarrick/ Regimental Advisors/ Lord Commissar/ Colonel Iron Hand Straken/ Sergeant Harker/ Wyrdvane Psykers/ Primaris Psykers/ Techpriest Enginseer/ Cadian Shock Troops/ Cadian Command Squad/ Lord Castellan Urula Creed (tall models take 2 compartments)
    • Blood AngelsView SetView the Blood Angels Tray guide
      • 20x Apothecary with Chainsword or 10x Astorath the Grim or 20x Chaplain with Crozius and Bolt Pistol or 20x Chaplain with Crozius and Plasma Pistol or 20x Chaplain with Crozius and Power Fist or 20x Chaplain with Skull Helmet or 20x Chapter Master Gabriel Seth or 10x Commander or 10x Commander Dante or 10x Elite with Banner or 20x HQ figure or 20x Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost or 20x Librarian in Terminator Armour or 20x Librarian with Force Axe & Plasma Pistol or 20x Librarian with Force Sword & Bolt Pistol or 20x Librarian with Staff & Book or 20x Mephiston, Lord of Death or 10x Techmarine or 20x Terminator or 20x Terminator Chaplain or 10x The Sanguinor, Exemplar of the Host
    • NecronsView SetView the Necrons Tray guide
      • 40 Necron Warriors (On 25mm bases)
    • Space MarinesView SetView the Space Marines Tray guide
      • 20x Apothecary with Chainsword or 20x Captain Darnath Lysander or 10x Captain Sicarius or 10x Captain in Terminator Armour or 20x Chaplain Cassius or 20x Chaplain with Crozius & Power Fist or 20x Chaplain with Crozius and Bolt Pistol or 20x Chaplain with Crozius and Plasma Pistol or 10x Chaplain with Jump Pack or 20x Chaplain with Skull Helmet or 10x Chapter master Pedro Kantor or 10x Chief Librarian Tigurius or 10x Commander or 20x Forgefather Vulkan He'stan or 20x HQ Figure or 20x Imperial Fists Chaplain or 20x Kor'sarro Khan or 10x Librarian Terminator Armour or 20x Librarian with Force Axe & Plasma Pistol or 20x Librarian with Force Sword & Bolt Pistol or 20x Librarian with Staff & Book or 10x Marneus Calgar, Lord Macragge or 20x Servitor or 20x Shadow Captain Kayvaan Shrike or 10x Techmarine or 20x Techmarine with Bolt Pistol or 20x Techmarine with Power Axe or 20x Terminator or 20x Terminator Chaplain
    • Space WolvesView SetView the Space Wolves Tray guide
      • 40 Space Wolves
    • T'au EmpireView SetView the T'au Empire Tray guide
      • 20x Large Drone Controller or 20x Removable DF/ HH/ SR Engine
    • TyranidsView SetView the Tyranids Tray guide
      • 20x Tyranid Genestealer or 20x Tyranid Ripper Swarm Brood
  • Warhammer The Old World
    • Kingdom of BretonniaView SetView the Kingdom of Bretonnia Tray guide
      • 40x Baron/ Battle Pilgrim/ Bombard Crew/ Border Princes Brigand/ Damsel of the Lady/ Desperado/ Duke/ Esquire/ First Knight/ Grail Monk/ Handmaiden of the Lady/ Knight of the Realm/ Lord Of Bretonnia/ Man-at-Arms/ Outcast Wizard/ Paladin/ Peasant Bowmen/ Peasant crew/ Prophetess/ Questing Knight Paladin with Great Weapon/ Sergeant-at-Arms/ Sir Cecil Gastonne, The Wyrm Slayer/ Squire/ Villein/ Warden/ Yeomen Guard/ Battle Standard Bearer (tall models like Standard Bearers require 2 compartments)
    • Tomb Kings of KhemriView SetView the Tomb Kings of Khemri Tray guide
      • 40x Tomb Guard/ Tomb King/ Skeleton Warrior/ Arch Necrotect/ Battle Standard Bearer on foot/ High Priest/ Liche Priest on foot/ Master of Arms/ Master of Arrows/ Mortuary Priest/ Necrotect/ Nekaph, Emissary Of Settra/ Prince Apophas, The Cursed Scarab Lord/ Royal Herald/ Royal Host Archer/ Royal Host Warrior/ Skeleton Archer/ Skeleton Crew/ Skeleton Infantry Cohorts/ Skeleton Skirmisher/ Tomb Captain/ Tomb King with Great Weapon/ Tomb King with Sword and Shield/ Tomb Prince
  • Warhammer Fantasy Battle

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