KR Multicase' Complete Sisters of Battle Range!2nd Nov 2020
In the run up to Christmas, we know many people have collections that need storing - and to help with that we will be looking back at our range of fantastic Sisters of Battle trays!
Starting off, the AS1, which can hold the magnificent Saint Celestine, this Half Width and Half Depth tray can also hold her two Geminae Superia and 6 Seraphim or Icon bearers! And it perfectly complements half width and half depth trays like our AS5, made for Junith Eruita, 2 Standard Bearers or Seraphim, 6 Sisters of Battle, and 3 Cannonesses or Hospitalers!
Next, we have the trays for the Triumph of Saint Katherine, a beautiful Diorama which we offer many choices for! Starting off, the AS2 can hold this fantastic display, as well as an Exorcist artillery tank, and 3 Standard bearers or Seraphim! Alternatively, we the AS6, which holds the Triumph and 11 Seraphim or Standard Bearers!
For those of you storing Exorcists, we have the AS3 AS3, which holds 2 Exorcist tanks, and 4 Seraphim or Imagifiers, and the AS4 tray for an Exorcist and 3 Rhinos!
For the Immolators, we can offer two different trays! The AS7, which can hold an Immolator and an Exorcist, alongside four Seraphim or 3 with an Imagifier! Then we have the AS8, for 2 Immolator tanks, perfect for when you're prefering to bring small units with them! This tray will also hold 4 Seraphim or standard bearers!
Standard Sisters of Battle, Dominions and Celestians, we recommend the SM61 which can hold 25 of these! For the Seraphim, Repentia and Acro flagellants, we offer the YA16for 12 models, or the YA17 for 6 of them with space for 10 Sisters of Battle!
Rhino tanks will find a comfortable storage space with our SM6P6 for four, and the Mortifiers and Pentient Engines will fit six inside our SM7P7!
Our complete range of Sister of Battle trays can be found here, at the KR Multicase Tray Guide Page here: here.
KR Multicase - putting figures first