
Figure Cases and Trays for Tabletop Gaming

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Clubs (71)

Map Name Distance KR Address Tel/Link Email Website Directions
4TK 0.61 mi

4Tk Gaming, 20 Davey Close, Colchester, Essex, CO1 2XL 01206 861549 4tk@4tkgaming.co.uk Link Directions
Abingdon Wargames Club 153 mi

Conservative Party Club, 59 Ock St, Abingdon OX14 5AG - Link Directions
Aftermath Gaming Club 59 mi

219 Sprowston Road, Norwich NR3 4HX - Link Directions
Barming Wargames Club 52 mi

Fant Hall, Fant Lane, Maidstone, Kent ME16 8NN, United Kingdom - Barming_wargames@btinternet.com Link Directions
Barnsley Association of Tabletop Gamers 202 mi

Unit 17 Chesham House, Chesham Road, Barnsley, S70 2NT - bassocwar@gmail.com Link Directions
Boston Wargaming Club 99 mi

Conservative Club, Main Ridge West, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE21 6QQ - - Link Directions
BRGA (Bognor Regis Gaming Association) 135 mi

16A Greencourt Dr, Bognor Regis PO21 5EU - Link Directions
Brighton Warlords 104 mi

Ye Olde King & Queen, 13-17 Marlborough Place, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 1UB - brightonwarlords@hotmail.com Link Directions
Bristol Vanguard 246 mi

Bristol Independent Gaming, 16 Cater Road, Bishopsworth, Bristol, BS13 7TW - bristol.vanguard@yahoo.co.uk. Link Directions
Calne Gaming Club 204 mi

Church House, 30 Church Street, Calne, SN11 0HU - - Link Directions
Canberra Gaming Society 11880 mi

Canberra Bridge Club at 6 Duff Place Deakin ACT 2600 AU - cgsinc@tpg.com.au Link Directions
Canterbury Crusaders 44 mi

10 Sussex Ave, Canterbury, Kent CT1 1RT, UK - canterburywargames@gmail.com Link Directions
Chelmsford Bunker 32 mi

Chelmsford Bunker, St.Margaret's Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 6DA - Enquiries@chelmsfordbunker.co.uk Link Directions
COGS 187 mi

The Parish Centre, Stonegravels, 91, Sheffield Road, Chesterfield, S41 7JH - wiseone@tiscali.co.uk Link Directions
Cornwall Miniature Wargames Association 423 mi

Village Hall, North Road, Quintrell Downs, Newquay, Cornwall. TR8 4LA. - cornwallwargamesassociation@outlook.com Link Directions
Darlington Dogs of War 249 mi

Community Hub, Eastbourne Park, Darlington - darlingtonsdogsofwar@hotmail.co.uk Link Directions
Dice and Dagger Gaming Club 379 mi

Launcells Parish Hall, Grimscott, Bude, Cornwall, EX23 9LX - celtofkernow@aol.com Link Directions
Dunfermline Wargaming and Roleplaying Fellowship 418 mi

The Dell Farquharson, 7 Nethertown Broad Street, Dunfermline, Fife, KY12 7DS - greg@dwarfclub.com Link Directions
Durham Raiders Outpost 262 mi

Croxdale Community Centre, 5 Roggerson Terrace, Croxdale, Durham, DH6 5HJ - enquiries@durhamraiders.co.uk Link Directions
Exmouth Imperial Wargames Club 310 mi

Liverton Copse Community Centre, Prince of Wales Drive, Brixington, Exmouth, EX8 4SW - chairman@exmouthwargames.org.uk Link Directions
Gobstyk's Gaming Club 137 mi

St Andrews Church Garmston St, Lincoln, LN2 1HZ - Gobstyks@outlook.com Link Directions
Good Game Kuwait 3603 mi

GOOD GAME, Mezzanine 2 Sanabil, Tower, Jaber Al-Mubarak Street, Sharq, 13043 965 22397548 info@goodgamekw.com Link Directions
Guildford Games Club 114 mi

Park Barn Dr, Guildford GU2 8EN - info@guildford-wargames.org.uk Link Directions
Gwent Reavers Tabletop Gaming Club 282 mi

The Cwtch - Blaina Community Centre, High Street, Blaina, Abertillery, NP13 3AN - hello@reavers.wales Link Directions
Headingley Games Club 218 mi

Headingley enterprise and arts centre(HEART), Bennett Road, Leeds, LS6 3HN. - Link Directions
Hull’s Angels Wargaming Ltd 155 mi

4-5 Whitefriargate, Kingston Upon Hull, East Yorkshire, United Kingdom, HU1 2ER - - Link Directions
Infamous Wargaming 207 mi

Infamous Community ArtsUnit 1, Izons Industrial Estate, West Bromwich B70 9BS 0121 439 5410 info@infamousarts.co.uk Link Directions
La Casa Juex 579 mi

22 Rue D'Estienne D'Orves, Ales, France, 30100 04 66 60 40 34 - Link Directions
L'ataniere 699 mi

4 boulevard Pierre Toesca, Toulon, France, 83000 33 (0)4 94 290 541 contact@lataniere.fr Link Directions
Leeds Night Owls Gaming Club 217 mi

The Cardigan Center, 145 Cardigan Road, Leeds, LS6 1LJ - info@leedsnightowls.co.uk Link Directions
Maidenhead Reapers 118 mi

Ashcroft Rd, Maidenhead, Windsor and Maidenhead SL6 6JQ - maidenheadreapers@hotmail.co.uk Link Directions
Middlesborough Gamers Club 238 mi

Middlesborough Games Club, 82-90 Corporation Road, St Marys Centre, TS1 2RW, Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire England - - Link Directions
Northern Knights Wargaming Club 555 mi

Sea Cadet Hall, Sir Archibald Road, Thurso, Caithness, KW14 8HN - info@northern-knights.co.uk Link Directions
Northern Warlords 268 mi

Meeting Lane Community Centre, Meeting Lane, Penketh, Warrington WA5 2QX - NWUK-40K@Hotmail.co.uk Link Directions
Oxford Gaming Club 151 mi

Oxford Gaming Club, North Oxford Association Community Centre, Diamond Place, Summertown, Oxford, OX2 7DP - - Link Directions
Phoenix Gaming Club 108 mi

The Scout Centre, Skinners Hill, Wellingborough Road, Rushden, NN10 9YE - - Link Directions
Pigmar Wargaming Club 229 mi

Salsibury and Conservative Club, Hawthorn House, London Road, Bath, BA1 6AB - info@pigmar.co.uk Link Directions
Redditch Wargaming Society 200 mi

Windmill community centre Rye Grass Ln, Redditch B97 5YE - hello@redwarsoc.com Link Directions
Rygas Roughnecks 317 mi

Whipton Institute Social Club, Whipton, Village Rd, Exeter, EX4 6AW - - Link Directions
Sad Muppet Society 145 mi

Glebe Hall, Church Square, Basingstoke, RG21 7QW - committee@sadmuppets.org. Link Directions
SAD Wargamers (Swindon & District) 190 mi

Moredon Community Centre 1 The Street. Swindon SN25 3ER - info@sadwargamers.com Link Directions
Scarborough Games Society 189 mi

Roscoe Rooms, Roscoe St, Scarborough, North Yorkshire YO12 7BY - scarboroughgames@gmail.com Link Directions
SELWG (South East London Wargames Group) 72 mi

St Laurence Church Hall. 37 Bromley Road, Catford SE6 2TS - selwg.club@gmail.com Link Directions
South Coast Titans 88 mi

Christ Church, Seaside, Eastbourne BN22 7NN - - Link Directions
South Downs Siegebreakers 116 mi

The Moon, 13 High Street, Storrington, West Sussex, RH20 4DR - info@sdswargaming.net Link Directions
South London Warlords 76 mi

South London Warlords, Gilkes Place, Dulwich Village, London, SE21 7BT - contactus@southlondonwarlords.co.uk Link Directions
Southampton Sluggaz 173 mi

St Denys Community centre Priory Road, St. Denys, Southampton, SO17 2JZ - southamptonsluggaz@hotmail.com Link Directions
Spiky Club 131 mi

Maiden Place Community Centre, Maiden Place, RG6 3HE - spikyclub.reading@gmail.com Link Directions
St Aidans Warriors Gaming Group 449 mi

St Aidans Church Hall, Mearns Road Clarkston, G76 7ER - staidanswarriorsgaminggroup@gmail.com Link Directions
St Anns Garrison RPG 69 mi

12th Scout Hut, Beulah Street, Gaywood, Kings Lynn, Norfolk, PE30 4DN - kingslynnrpgandwargames@hotmail.co.uk Link Directions
STAGS 244 mi

Belmont Hall, New Street, Wellington, Telford TF1 1LU - STAGS.Telford@gmail.com Link Directions
Steel City Wargaming 192 mi

Forty Martyrs Church Hall, Roughwood Road, Kimberworth, Rotherham, S61 4AZ - wildclan@blueyonder.co.uk Link Directions
Surrey Spartans Gaming Club 84 mi

Netherne Community Amateur Sports Club, Woodplace Lane, Coulsdon, Surrey, CR5 1NE - - Link Directions
Tamworth Games Club 188 mi

Central Methodist Church Tamworth, Aldergate, Tamworth B79 7DJ - Link Directions
The Bastion Gaming Club 146 mi

Viables Community Centre, Basingstoke RG22 4BJ - thebastiongamingclub@gmail.com Link Directions
The Emperors 10th 60 mi

Emperors 10th, Acf Hut, Fox House Road, DA17 6DW, Belvedere, Greater London - - Link Directions
The Gathering 661 mi

The Gathering, Specialist games and model shop, 43 lower gerald griffin street, Limerick, Ireland 00353-061-315133 thegatheringlimerick25@gmail.com Link Directions
The London Wargaming Club BattleUX 99 mi

Uxbridge Conservative Club, 46 Harefield Road Uxbridge UB8 1PJ - Battleuxuk@gmail.com Link Directions
Towy Valley Tyrants 358 mi

Abergwili Church Hall, Ismyrddin, Abergwili, Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, SA31 2JE - towyvalleytyrants@gmail.com Link Directions
Trelawny's Armies Gaming Society 428 mi

Happy Piranha, 18 Pydar Street, Truro, TR1 2AY - robert@robert74.orangehome.co.uk Link Directions
Trinity Wargamers Club 283 mi

YMCA, Lisieux Way, Taunton, TA1 2LB - starrchild81@hotmail.co.uk Link Directions
Uchronies Games 231 mi

Uchronies Games, 61 rue Letellier, Paris, France, 75015 01 45 79 86 93 contact@uchroniesgames.fr Link Directions
Vale Renegades (in Firestorm Games) 286 mi

Firestorm Games Cardiff, Sloper Rd, Cardiff, CF11 8AB - valerenegades@gmail.com Link Directions
Wakefield Warriors 209 mi

5 Park Grove Rd Wakefield, West Yorkshire WF2 8TW, United Kingdom - Link Directions
West Coast Gamers 356 mi

St Leonards, Church Hall, Church Street, CA23 3DD Cleator, Cumbria - chrissutherland1986@gmail.com Link Directions
White Eagles Wargames Club 18 mi

White Eagles Wargames Club, 36th Ipswich Scout Hall, 220 Hawthorn Drive, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP2 0RG - whiteeaglesgamesclub@outlook.com Link Directions
Winsford Warhawks 254 mi

St Chad’s Parish Hall, Winsford, CW7 4AT - winsfordwarhawks@hotmail.co.uk Link Directions
Wizards and Warlords Games Club 428 mi

Conservative Club, 80 Lemon Street, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 2PN - wizardsandwarlords@gmail.com Link Directions
York Garrison Wargaming Club 200 mi

Hawthorn Terrace, York YO32 4AQ - info@yorkgarrison.co.uk Link Directions
York Wargames Society 199 mi

17-19 Nunnery Ln, York YO23 1AB - info@yorkwargames.org Link Directions
Zwergenschmiede GmbH 566 mi

Seilerstrasse 4, Bern, Switzerland, 3011 - info@zwergenschmiede.ch Link Directions

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