
Figure Cases and Trays for Tabletop Gaming

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V format pick&pluck tray, 70mm deep

Increase your Warhammer Citadel Case carrying capacity to carry medium size vehicles/monsters with this replacement Tray for the Warhammer Citadel Classic plastic figure case.

The unique KR tray design means the pick&pluck sections are versatile for many of the small to medium size Warhammer vehicles and monsters. 12 customisable rows, each 30mm wide with pick&pluck blocks and 10mm dividing walls. 10mm dividing walls can be removed or customised to suit larger models. Carry the maximum number of models in complete safety!

Replacement Tray for Warhammer Citadel Classic plastic figure case. Carry medium size vehicles/monsters this 70mm deep tray. This tray replaces 2 of the standard Warhammer Citadel 36 compartment trays.

V format pick&pluck, 6 rows, each row 30mm wide, 10mm dividing wall

Game Systems & Armies that use this tray

  • The Horus Heresy
  • Warhammer 40,000
    • Blood AngelsView SetView the Blood Angels Tray guide
      • 4 Predators / Vindicators or 8 Rhinos / Razorbacks / Whirlwinds / Speeders or 2 Land Raider / Sicaran plus 4 Dreadnoughts., OR 8 Rhinos / Razorbacks / Whirlwinds / Speeders or 2 Land Raider / Sicaran plus 4 Dreadnoughts., OR 2 Land Raider / Sicaran plus 4 Dreadnoughts
    • NecronsView SetView the Necrons Tray guide
      • 2 Night Scythe / Doom Scythe
    • Space MarinesView SetView the Space Marines Tray guide
      • 4x Predators/ 4x Vindicators/ 8x Rhinos/ 8x Razorbacks/ 8x Whirlwinds/ 8x Land Speeders/ 2x Land Raider plus 4x Dreadnoughts (on 60mm base)/ 2x Sicaran plus 4x Dreadnoughts (on 60mm base)
    • Space WolvesView SetView the Space Wolves Tray guide
      • 4 Predators / Vindicators, OR 8 Rhinos / Razorbacks / Whirlwinds / Speeders, OR 2 Land Raider / Sicaran plus 4 Dreadnoughts, OR 8 Dreadnoughts / Canis Wolfborn / Thunderwolf Cavalry
  • Gamesworkshop Cases
    • Gamesworkshop Classic casesView SetView the Gamesworkshop Classic cases Tray guide
      • V format pick&pluck tray, 70mm deep

        Increase your Warhammer Citadel Case carrying capacity to carry medium size vehicles/monsters with this replacement Tray for the Warhammer Classic plastic figure case.

        The unique KR tray design means the pick&pluck sections are versatile for many of the small to medium size Warhammer vehicles and monsters. 12 customisable rows, each 30mm wide with pick&pluck blocks and 10mm dividing walls. 10mm dividing walls can be removed or customised to suit larger models. Carry the maximum number of models in complete safety!

        Replacement Tray for Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. Carry medium size vehicles/monsters this 70mm deep tray. This tray replaces 2 of the standard Warhammer 36 compartment trays.

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