
Figure Cases and Trays for Tabletop Gaming

soft foam for figures, hard cases for soft foam !


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50 compartments 40mm x 25mm, 25mm deep

Increase your Warhammer Citadel Case carrying capacity from the standard 36 figures per tray to 50 figures per tray wiith this replacement Tray for Warhammer Citadel Classic plastic figure case. Carry 4 trays in your case instead of the standard 3 Warhammer Citadel trays using trays designed by KR.

The unique KR tray design means that you can have FOUR trays in your GW Classic case and carry your figures in complete safety!

Replacement Tray for Warhammer Citadel Classic plastic figure case. Carry 50 troops on 25mm bases, ideal for 5 squads of 10 troops on 25mm bases up to 40mm tall (50 figures total). 50 compartments 40mm x 25mm, 25mm deep. This tray should be used with other trays from KR that allow 4 trays to fit in the classic Warhammer Citadel cases (for example the GWN4T and GWV2T). This tray is 360mm x 265mm x 32mm.

50 compartments (25mm deep GW size tray)

Game Systems & Armies that use this tray

  • The Horus Heresy
  • Warhammer 40,000
  • Gamesworkshop Cases
    • Gamesworkshop Classic casesView SetView the Gamesworkshop Classic cases Tray guide
      • 50 compartments 40mm x 25mm, 25mm deep

        Increase your Warhammer Citadel Case carrying capacity from the standard 36 figures per tray to 50 figures per tray wiith this replacement Tray for Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. Carry 4 trays in your case instead of the standard 3 Warhammer trays using trays designed by KR.

        The unique KR tray design means that you can have FOUR trays in your GW Classic case and carry your figures in complete safety!

        Replacement Tray for Warhammer Classic plastic figure case. Carry 50 troops on 25mm bases, ideal for 5 squads of 10 troops on 25mm bases up to 40mm tall (50 figures total). 50 compartments 40mm x 25mm, 25mm deep. This tray should be used with other trays from KR that allow 4 trays to fit in the classic Warhammer cases (for example the GWN4T and GWV2T). This tray is 360mm x 265mm x 32mm.

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