
Figure Cases and Trays for Tabletop Gaming

soft foam for figures, hard cases for soft foam !


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N4HS Pre-Filled Case

20x Troops or single figures

20 compartments (1/4 depth, half width tray)

Game Systems & Armies that use this tray

  • Warhammer
    • Warhammer Lord of the Rings
      • The Free PeoplesView SetView the The Free Peoples Tray guide
        • 20x Armoured Glorfindel or 20x Arwen on Foot or 20x Celeborn, Lord of Lothlorien or 20x Cirdan of the Havens or 6x Elf Command or 20x Elladan on Foot or 10x Elrond and Gil-Galad or 20x Elrond, Master of Rivendell or 20x Erestor or 20x Galadhrim Warrior or 20x Galadriel Protectress of Lothlorien or 6x Galadriel and Celeborn or 20x Glorfindel on Foot or 10x Guard of the Galadhrim Court or 20x Haldir or 20x Haldir with Bow or 20x High Elf Warrior or 20x Rúmil or 20x Saruman the White or 20x Thranduil, King of Mirkwood or 20x Warrior of the Last Alliance or 20x Wood Elf Sentinel

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