
Figure Cases and Trays for Tabletop Gaming

soft foam for figures, hard cases for soft foam !


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N4HS Pre-Filled Case

20x Pavel McMannus/ Streloks (Human)/ Irmandinhos/ Frontoviks/ Line Kazaks/ Kazak Spetsnazs/ Tank Hunters/ Chasseurs/ Veteran Kazak/ Caledonian Mormaers/ Irmandinhos/ 3rd Highlander Grey Rifles/ 1st Highlanders S.A.S./ Intel Spec-Ops/ Caledonian Volunteers/ 6th Airborne Ranger Regiment/ Caledonoan Highlanders/ 5th Minutemen 'OHIO'/ The Unknown Ranger/ Marauders/ Foxtrot Rangers/ Roger Van Zant/ USAriadna Grunts/ Harcases/ 45h Highlander Rifles/

20 compartments (1/4 depth, half width tray)

Game Systems & Armies that use this tray

  • Corvus Belli
    • Infinity
      • AriadnaView SetView the Ariadna Tray guide
        • 20x Pavel McMannus/ Streloks (Human)/ Irmandinhos/ Frontoviks/ Line Kazaks/ Kazak Spetsnazs/ Tank Hunters/ Chasseurs/ Veteran Kazak/ Caledonian Mormaers/ Irmandinhos/ 3rd Highlander Grey Rifles/ 1st Highlanders S.A.S./ Intel Spec-Ops/ Caledonian Volunteers/ 6th Airborne Ranger Regiment/ Caledonoan Highlanders/ 5th Minutemen 'OHIO'/ The Unknown Ranger/ Marauders/ Foxtrot Rangers/ Roger Van Zant/ USAriadna Grunts/ Harcases/ 45h Highlander Rifles/, OR 20x Dog-Warriors (Human)/ Antipode Assault (Human)/ Ariadna Scout/ Scots Guards/ 9th Wulver Grenadiers/ Scots Guards 6th Caledonian/ Uxia McNeill/ Intel Spec-Ops/ 112, Emergency Service/ William Wallace/ Chasseurs/ Equipe Mirage-5 (Human)/ Scout/

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